neděle 14. srpna 2005

Three Colors

I remember those strong feelings Blue, White and Red left me in after seeing them at Febiofest festival in January 1995. Unfortunately since those Kieślowski’s masterpieces are typical examples of what I call “iceberg movies” (it’s gorgeous but you feel there is still much more you don’t see (90% in iceberg case actually ;-), something that is more fascinating than you can even imagine), it was quite difficult those days to see it as many times as necessary to discover hidden parts and meanings. So the urge to do it was finally dissolved “owing to man's unique ability to be distracted from spiritual matters by everyday trivia.” :-)
However, ten years after we are fortunately living in globalized-1-Click-order-worldwide-delivery times so my Three Colors Trilogy landed at my desk one week after I decided to have it.
Actually, when we see great movies after several years again, we never see the same movie – we changed, the world changed in the meantime. But we do see outstanding movie again – because principles and values that are embodied in them are forever valid. And after you see it (with your finger at pause button) there it a time for analysis - and there comes another great tool we got since this film was made – instant access to dozens of great views at Three Colors.
Some of the best I found are below.

So if you’d like to see some perfect pictures of freedom, dealing with huge loss, reinventing yourself, (un)equality, friendship, betrayal, candor, help, fear, faith, hope – and love above them all, Three Colors is a great choice.

1 komentář:

Czech NR řekl(a)...

Thanks! Great article.
I am starting looking for 30 bucks...